about express


founded in 1962, is an independent monthly journal and also a network- and educational project, that provides a platform for analysis, debate, research and support from and for the labour movement and its development.
express is produced by unionists, labour activists, researchers and all those in- and outside the unions who are convinced that ongoing renewal and support of the labour movement is worth thinking and fighting for.
By publishing our magazin, books and discussion papers as well as by conferences and seminars we encourage connections between activists, staff and workers in different unions, branches, industries and countries. We understand our work as a contribution to a critical (self)understanding of the actual situation and the needs of labour movement and to develop new strategies for their empowerment that match the challenge of globalizing capitalism in its various occurrences on site. express is cooperating with and hosted by: www.labournet.de
There you’ll find an archive and selected articles online.

redaktion express / AFP e.V.
niddastr. 64

D- 60329 frankfurt a.m.

fon: ++49 (0) 69 – 67 99 84
email: ex*********@on****.de